Date for the 26th of march
Hi this one belated but important post, please forgive the delay as a number of circumstances have coluded to create the reason for it eg: my internet broke down, then when that was fixed my computer broke down, then when that broke down we had easter break........ anyway I am back to get up to date. Today I have been given some actual task to do, I have been ask to help a dear old lady with the use of a mouse, it would appear she was taking a FAS course in computers but having trouble getting the hang of using the mouse, a task most of us take for granted. Bless this lady had cataracts in one eye at least and her hands were arthritic but that was not stopping her, my job was to hopefully help her with whatever problems she was having at grasping the mouse, or at least the use of it. I soon realised that all she needed was for someone to spend a little time and patience with going over things slowly, so I found an exercise for helping to use a mouse on the internet, and proceeded to go go through it with her at her own pace. I actualluy took great pleasure in seeing this lady have a sudden realisation when she began to get it right and unsterstand what it was she was doing, to tell the truth I got as big kick out of it as she did. especailly when at the end of the session I printed out a certificate for her to say that she done the work, she was delighted! with that we booked a lesson for her the following week to help her to do emails, and she left with a smile on her face. this was a good morning well spent.