Sunday, March 7, 2010

Community Placement

Now i wish to do my views on what I experienced on my placement. It was a positive one. And somewhat of a suprise. In that, it tended to go against the role I expected to see for a library, I have in my head this, idea of what a library is, and this was nothing like it, and all the better for it I may add. this place was alive, busy and noisey, but not loud and was driven along quietly but efficiently by the staff who all knew their roles well. One side of the library was dedicated to the children's books of all subjects, and the space in front was left open and a large play matt placed there every Friday and under the supervision of a dedicated member of staff the children came tumbling in to play and read from the shelves around them in a wonderful piece of organised chaos and expression, the sounds of occupied children's laughter filled this library and although the place was full with customers no one seemed to  mind in the least. There was a separate corner for the the little toddlers away from the happy rough and tumble of the bigger children, something they learned to do through experience and with the parents there helping with the chaos and laughing at the antics of their children, you could see instantly this was a great way to foster a positive attitude of the children to use the library in their lives as they grow. I will touch on more of the roles this library takes on in my next post. Thank you

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Well done Ken and I like your descriptions of the library, try to think about working towards post that contain critical or dialogical content rmember Hatton and Smith or Jenny Moon's work on reflection